Active Navigation Inks Long-Term Contract with United States Marine Corps
We’re proud to announce that we have been selected to continue our work attacking the Marine Corps’...
We’re proud to announce that we have been selected to continue our work attacking the Marine Corps’...
We’re excited to announce that Active Navigation’s CEO, Peter Baumann, was named “2019 Developing...
It can feel like every day there’s news of another massive data breach. From Marriott’s security...
“Seek and destroy” is a military term (or a Metallica song, depending on your preference) which has...
There is a strong belief, both in the public and private sector, that the worst thing you can do...
Not only is New York home to one of the strictest cyber security laws in the country, it may soon...
I was recently asked by my friends at Relativity to submit a prediction for a New Year’s webinar...
File Analysis and eDiscovery possess some conceptual overlap in terms of use cases and...
In today’s global economy, we are more connected than ever before. Technology has enabled the...