IRMS Conference 2016: A Better Future?
I think this year was my 5th IRMS Conference. A mere amateur perhaps compared to some but with that...

Information Governance is NOT a User Problem!
Sure, we’d all like it to be wouldn’t we? Our users saving into the right folder, tagging their...

Welcome to Discovery Center Release 4.3.9
In the last half of 2015 we freshened up our image with a new website and resources; we also...

Information Governance: Do You Need to Care?
Its been 10 years since I first encountered the term ‘information governance’; it was new to...

Our New Technology Partnership with SeeUnity
We’re excited to announce that we have partnered with ECM solutions company SeeUnity in order to...

Discovery Center Release 4.3.8 is here: Introducing Discovery Center Workbench
We’ve been a little quiet on this release as the team has beavered away working on the latest...

File Analysis: A Confusing Market Place?
Gartner’s latest Market Guide on File Analysis (G00271713 for those with subscription) has arrived....